Persimmon Ridge Farm

persimmon ridge farmPersimmon Ridge Farm is a small family farm located in Berryville Virginia.  The farm is owned and operated by Reid and Candis Dodson.  They work hard to provide you with fresh, local meat.  They produce natural and organic chickens, pigs, and turkeys that you will be happy to feed to your family.

Reid and Candis are slated to attend the market every Saturday May through October.  They will be offering at the market  fresh and frozen poultry, free range eggs,  and frozen pork products.  Persimmon Ridge will also have turkeys available in the months leading up to Thanksgiving.  You can visit the farms website here or you can also visit them on their Facebook page here.  Please contact Reid for his current inventory of his pork and poultry products.persimmon1

The Clarke County Farmers Market would like to welcome all of our new vendors for the 2017 season.  The market would also like to extend an invitation to old and new customers alike, to join us for some, good food, good music, and great fellowship.  The market has an awesome lineup of musical guests this season.  The CCFM will be the happening place in Clarke County on Saturday mornings.  Please stop by, bring the family, stay awhile.

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