Market Sponsorship

The Berryville/Clarke County Farmers’ Market operates on a small budget supporting an array of operating expenses that include insurance, signage, materials, marketing/promotions, and more. While vendor fees meet our base expenses, we are hoping to expand the market appeal and visitor ship, which is why in 2025 we are continuing our community sponsorships program to augment our music and entertainment, skill demonstrations and workshops, and community support programs.

Your sponsorship of the market will not only help you reach market shoppers who frequent the Market and Berryville/Clarke County businesses, it also supports regional agriculture, local small business and the overall health of our community residents. You will also ensure that we keep this weekly source of fresh, healthy food thriving in Berryville.

Thank you for considering a sponsorship of the market. This year we have six different sponsorship levels that run for the duration of the season, approximately 26 weeks.  Sponsorship options include:

foundation sponsor art ccfm

Foundation Sponsor

Foundation Sponsor $1000

Your generous donation will support Market operations, capital costs and Market based special events and will be acknowledged with:

All benefits included in the levels below plus…….

  • A 10 X 10 Booth space once a month at the Clarke County Farmers’ Market

Harvest Sponsor $750

Your generous donation will support Market operations and Market based special events and will be acknowledged with:

All benefits included in the levels below plus……

  • Be the ONLY sponsor of a day of your choosing and a banner with your logo will be flown at the music tent through the season. We will include a highlighted write-up about your organization (if provided) in our weekly newsletter the week prior to your attendance at the market.
  • A Vendor Gift Card Thank You bag to be used at the market throughout the season.
farmer sponsor art ccfm

Farm Sponsor $500

Your generous donation will support Market operations and Market based special events and will be acknowledged with:

All benefits included in the levels below plus……

  • Full day sponsorship of an event (petting zoo, face painting, etc.)
  • A highlighted social media post will be made the week prior to your event sponsorship, including a link to your business website.
  • Banner/Signage with your logo will be displayed at the event booth for the day.

Farmhand Sponsor $250

Your generous donation will support Market operations and will be acknowledged with:

All benefits included in the levels below plus……

  • Full day sponsorship of a musician – a short message about your organization will be highlighted in our weekly newsletter the week prior to the market day of this sponsorship.  You may also provide literature to be handed out at the market tent.
  • Signage for business windows “Proud Sponsor of the CCFM” provided.

Garden Sponsor $100

Your generous donation will support Market operations and will be acknowledged with:

All benefits included in the levels below plus……

  • Your logo and link to your online website will be included on our website for the season.
  • Monthly promotion via our Facebook/Instagram pages (~6000 followers and growing).
  • Your logo will be included in market promotions like our weekly email (currently reaches ~500 subscribers).
Friend of the Market $________


Choose your own dollar amount contribution to support the Clarke County Farmers’ Market and we will add your name to a list of contributors on the CCFM website

A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

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